“We want to give patients the best care, in the most expeditious ways, so they can live their best lives!”

The TCAM team agrees our services must reflect & embody things that matter most to us: physical, spiritual, and emotional well being, ongoing personal & professional growth, balanced approaches to life-challenges, and our prideful expression of our callings as healthcare providers in our community.

One driving force behind TCAM’s menu of services is our philosophy how you’re feeling on the inside, is absolutely reflected on the outside and vice-versa. Our menu address a broad range of patients’ concerns from the depths of the subconscious mind to the surface of the skin!

This bio explains our Medical Director’s history using hypnotherapy, and why it absolutely had to become an integral part of TCAM, not just for our patients, but for us too! In fact we know, the better we are, the better equipped we are to serve you!

“My name is Tricia Carey. My practice using the subconscious mind for patients’ benefit started when I used guided imagery during postgraduate research studies. I helped oncology patients and their partners develop future focus beyond a most debilitating, cancer diagnosis. Participants relayed effectiveness in my approach 100% of the time! Not surprising, because hypnotherapy is proven to provide successful outcomes for patients with a myriad of medical diagnoses including, and certainly not limited to, intestinal disorders, pain, headaches, addictive behaviors, etc.

Scientific research continues to uncover connections between the brain’s perception, and the patient's problematic symptom. As a Scientist, Educator, Health Care Provider, and as a Hypnotist and colleague in one of the most honorable and rewarding professions I can imagine, I deem these findings most valuable. Studies like these influence and evolve my own practices using the subconscious mind to alter the brain's perception. I get to help people I care for feel better- very often, forever! What an honor that is! These patients have decreased incidences of symptoms, better symptom management, and they feel empowered using in part, self-hypnosis techniques I provide them for in- between sessions with me.” 

“In my practice, “bad” feelings and behaviors are actually held most valuable, and are used as a gauge to better understand the root cause of undesirable behaviors. This understanding helps shift one's behaviors and (mis)perceptions in powerful, life-changing ways! Patients no longer mismanage uncomfortable situations, and feel more in control & empowered.

Understanding the value of “bad” feelings often instantaneously releases feelings of anger, guilt, sadness, inadequacy, boredom, loneliness, stress, fear, frustration, and depression. My own practice and developed expertise in this work has forever changed my own life, and has provided me with a sense of total inner peace even in the most challenging times! As a result, everyone in my personal and professional life benefits, including staff mentored here at TCAM. 

I’m very proud to have found, and am now a certified expert and teacher in, a universal approach, advanced hypnosis technique, that is most expeditious in resolving undesirable habits and behaviors. Patients reportedly feel better, even after their very first session with me, and even when everything else has failed! Let’s talk about how I might be able to help you live your best life too- I’m open to consulting with you, to create an individualized, suitable plan of care for you!”


What Is Hypnotherapy?

TCAM Hypnotherapy sessions provide a powerful state of focused awareness, used to uncover and dissolve the root cause of many issues people suffer from every day. Hypnosis allows you to access all the healing resources inherent within the subconscious mind, promoting natural healing from within.

 Hypnosis helps people discover the subconscious reasons for symptoms, behaviors, or undesirable habits. Once the root cause is discovered, advanced therapeutic techniques help to shift the perception, and learn new, positive ways of thinking and behaving. With the implementation of new habits, comes the development of new neuropathways and healthful, most desirable behaviors occur simply and naturally!

What Issues Can Hypnotherapy at TCAM Help You With?

  • Healing from past experiences, like traumas

  • Unhealthful sleep patterns

  • Anger mismanagement

  • Fears

  • Lack of motivation or boredom

  • Frustration

  • Guilt or shame

  • Procrastination

  • Relationship challenges

  • Sexual issues

  • Low self-esteem / confidence 

  • Overeating and undesirable eating behaviors

  • Unhealthful eating behaviors even after bariatric surgery

  • Using unhealthful distractors

    (food / sugar; alcohol; cigarettes, etc.)

  • Stress, overwhelmed, or anxiousness

  • Work-related burnout

  • Feelings of inadequacy

  • Loneliness, hopelessness, spiritual emptiness or sadness


Tell Me More…

We incorporate hypnotherapy at TCAM as part of a comprehensive approach aimed to provide life long, lasting RESULTS! At the launch of your weight loss program, you experience a unique and powerful hypnosis session in a group setting. Highly immersive, you feel as though it is just you and Tricia alone in the room together. Optional individual sessions may include age regression, parts mediation therapies, forgiveness therapies, self-hypnosis techniques, and focused strategic planning to assist you during challenging times.

Specialized focus may be on things like:


Compulsive Overeating

  • Are you overweight?

  • Are you a sugar addict?

  • Can’t seem to stop eating compulsively no matter your good intentions to stay on a plan?

  • Tried everything & nothing’s worked for very long?

  • Are you tired of waking up another day feeling the physical & emotional effects of another binge, beating yourself up for failing yourself again?

Come see me for life-long results so that you can be free from compulsive eating behaviors and live the life you were truly meant to! My comprehensive approach is different in that I don’t just use hypnosis to deliver direct suggestions and encourage a diet which may work temporarily- NO! I’ll help guide you toward getting to the root of your compulsivity. In individual sessions, I’ll support and educate you through that exploration and resolution, and provide insightful information and tools to help change your life forever! At the office, you’re provided an intimate, trustworthy, and professional safe space where compassion and non-judgement is evident.

Work-related Burnout or Relationship Challenges

  • Are all the roles and relationships in your life suffering because of work-related burnout?

  • Are you angry, feeling unappreciated, exhausted- mentally, physically, emotionally?

  • Are you using distractors like food or substances to “check out?”

Hypnotherapy sessions at TCAM help provide a better understanding, both consciously and subconsciously, of “bad,” feelings- why they’re triggering you, what they actually mean so that you can make peace with, and actually learn to appreciate, these “bad,” feelings! See, bad feelings are actually very valuable and meaningful, useful tools which can help you achieve TRUE INNER PEACE! Once true inner peace is experienced, you will become protective of it, and everyone in your life benefits from this! 

**All content found on the www.TCAM.online website, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.


Coming soon:

Medically-managed, most comprehensive weight loss program including hypnosis, pharmaceutical intervention, Nursing encounters, and Medical Management to help you achieve life-long success!

Keep a look out, we’ll see you soon!

  • Hypnosis is a very safe, heightened state of focus, you’re not asleep- just highly receptive to insightful and positive suggestions made. You are always in control- conscious and alert the whole time while in Hypnosis.

  • Hypnosis is a consensual state. Anyone who is able and willing to follow instruction can be hypnotized, and you cannot be hypnotized against your will. It works best when you really want to make changes in your life but are having a hard time doing so or a hard time following through.

  • Hypnosis works by bypassing our critical, analytical conscious mind, often responsible for limiting beliefs. Efforts using just the conscious mind (like popular diet plans) is why willpower alone can be so challenging and often results in failure! Under hypnosis, healthful suggestions can be made directly into the subconscious, without the critical and analytical mechanism rejecting these new beliefs. So the desired changes are accepted by the subconscious mind as true, and we see results quickly!