

Recommended dosing: 1ml IM injection 1x/week.

Glutathione IM- Metabolism enhancer and a powerful antioxidant that helps the liver filter heavy metals and other toxins from the blood. Our body's quintessential antioxidant defense is the glutathione system, which includes glutathione itself, along with the enzymes and other proteins that enable glutathione to do its work. Glutathione is actually a very simple molecule - our body makes it from three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamine. Levels of glutathione have been shown to diminish with age as well in the setting of chronic illness or poor health.

Glutathione functions include:

Enhances the immune system

Increases energy, reduces effects of stress

Boost metabolism

Improves sleep quality

Erases age spots, improves skin and scarring, can have a skin lightening effect

Protects cells from free radical damage

Improves cellular function

Aids in recovery process

Acts as a universal toxin-binder

(Glutathione is contraindicated if patient has sulfa allergy, nor is glutathione recommended for asthmatics).