40 min session | $140

Vibration massage has been scientifically proven to address all the major issues of a trigger point. It disrupts spasm, relaxes muscles, increases blood flow, and the increased blood flow flushes the build up of wastes.  

Trigger points are arguably the most common cause of musculoskeletal pain such as back, neck and shoulder pain. They are those tender lumps in muscles that shoot pain when pressed upon.

Scientists have found that to treat these you need to:

  1. Disrupt the muscle spasm

  2. Relax the muscle

  3. Increase blood flow

Vibration massage is an extremely effective treatment because it is scientifically proven to address all three issues at once!

Patients sit face-down in a massage chair, while an intensely targeted, vibratory muscle massage device is applied directly to the rhomboids, trapezius, the levator scapula (your shrugging muscles that carry tension), and all along the muscles of the arms and hands if desired.

Patient feedback guides the intensity. Patients undress from the waist up, are given a fresh clean wrap for privacy and comfort during this 40 minute session.

Recommended frequency is daily as needed.